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  2. https://appdevelopermagazine.com/an-easy-way-for-mobile-developers-to-see-how-users-engage-with-an-app/
7/23/2014 11:53:53 AM
An Easy Way for Mobile Developers to See How Users Engage with an App
App Developer Magazine
An Easy Way for Mobile Developers to See How Users Engage with an App


An Easy Way for Mobile Developers to See How Users Engage with an App

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Stuart Parkerson Stuart Parkerson

One of the mainstays of testing for the toy industry is to get a child or a group of children in a room and watch them play with a toy. Company representatives watch the kids to see how they interact with the toy and take this information to make updates and improve their product.

If only it was so easy for mobile development. Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit with a bunch of your app users in a room and look over their shoulder to see how they interact with your app?

Or even better, sit with them in the real environments where they are using your app – standing at Starbucks, sitting at the office, watching TV at home. In a perfect world, they wouldn’t even know you were there. 

And that’s what Appsee does – it allows you to sit with your users in the real world and observe them using your app, all while you sit invisibly behind the screen. It’s a simple concept – videos of real user interactions that you can use to see beyond what you think you know to the true reality of a user’s experience.

This is how it works. Appsee records a sample of your users so you can see exactly how they interact with your app. This is a great way to see which problems users encounter and what makes them complete (or not) the important processes within your app.

You can check out a real video of the platform in action here.

Appsee’s platform makes actual video recordings of real user’s sessions capturing every screen, tap, swipe and action. Quite simply, you see what user’s see. There is no window dressing - you see the good, the bad and the ugly. 

Appsee helps you find the most interesting recordings by applying smart filters. The recording process is completely transparent to the end user and has no noticeable effect on your app's performance.

With Appsee's user recordings you can gain insight into:

- What makes users abandon the registration screen?
- How does a loyal user interact with your app?
- Why do users quit your app?
- Virtually anything that is important to your specific app’s success.

You can control the ratio of recorded users, and also choose to record specific users based on screens they visit, their demographics, OS version type and more. You can even watch sessions that crashed.

And its not just about the bad, it’s about the good as well. You can see what really resonates with your app’s users and build upon that experience. 

You can integrate the Appsee SDK with one line of code in less than a minute. You also have access to real time in-app analytics.

Much of what goes into a creating a successful app is complicated. Appsee’s solution isn’t. Watch videos of your app users, see what works and doesn’t work, and use that insight to continuously improve your app. It really is that easy.

Read more: http://www.appsee.com/?utm_source=appdevmag&utm_me...

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